Hindmarsh Island

Whenever I travel to a holiday destination, it’s always the decision of what cameras to pack, rather than what clothes to take, that occupy my mind. One camera makes it into the bag every time without fail: my Holga and a handful of 120 black and white film. I love its simplicity. I’m on holidays, right?!  It’s time to rest my brain. All I need to do is be aware of how much ambient light I have and how far away my subject is. Simples!

My trusty Holga is held together by gaffer tape. It’s unpredictable and reliable at the same time.  If it’s a hot day it might warp a little and randomly blur sections of my images, if it’s a cold day the plastic shrinks and light might leak in. All these little quirks and randomness are what I love about the final images.

Sure, I still take my DSLR and take countless records of my adventures, but It’s always the frames captured by my Holga that I’m the most excited to see after I’ve returned home.

This series of pictures were taken during a long weekend away with friends – a bunch of photographers hanging out with cameras in hands. The perfect excuse to slow down and take in every detail about the landscape around you.